Archive | Fisioterapia

Biblioteca essenziale in fisioterapia

La riabilitazione in ortopedia La Riabilitazione in Ortopedia” è il testo di riferimento sull’intervento riabilitativo delle patologie reumatiche, degenerative e traumatiche dell’apparato locomotore.Il successo del volume è dovuto soprattutto alle indicazioni terapeutiche, chiare e frutto di un lavoro multidisciplinare; il testo fornisce inoltre la descrizione dettagliata delle diverse patologie a carico di ciascun distretto, i […]

Siti internazionali di interesse medico-fisioterapico

    Cardiovascular system A Circulatory system image – AMA (US) Cardiovascular Pathology [EC Klatt] Exterior and Interior Structure of the Heart – Yale-New HavenHospital Atlas of Perioperative Echocardiography [DA Pybus] – MANBIT Technologies Echocardiographic Images on the Internet – Robert Wod Johnson Med. School, NJ (US) A Cardiovascular Media Library – SeeMyHeart/American Soc Echocardiography, […]


Phisical medecine and reahbilitation  Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy  Physical therapy  Spine   The Journal of bone and joint surgry  Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeeutics  Physical therapy in sport  Muscoloskeletal disorders  Manual therapy  Journal of sport rehabilitation  Physical therapy  The knee  Sports medicine  Journal of anatomy  Clinical biomechanics  Pain  Clinical spine surgery

Libreria nel web

  Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology provides an international forum for both clinicians and scientists wishing to keep up with the latest developments in rheumatology PUBMed PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, includes over 15 million citations for biomedical articles back to the 1950’s. These citations are from […]